Tag Archives: walking tour

What to see in Brussels in two hours

Heading to Brussels for the evening? Or have some time to kill before your Eurostar to London? If, for whichever reason, you’ll find yourself in Brussels with a couple of hours spare, how about a little self-guided Brussels in two hours sightseeing tour? After all, there is plenty to see and do in Brussels. And whilst you might not be able to see everything in such a short time, I’ve put together a little itinerary of what to see in Brussels in two hours. 

I’ve recently come back from a work trip to Belgium. Although my appointment wasn’t in Brussels directly, it was easiest for me to travel via Brussels. And for convenience, I’ve arrived the evening before. So that I wouldn’t have to get up at crazy o’clock to catch the first Eurostar out of London. But this wasn’t my first trip to Brussels. Over the years, I’ve been here a few times. Always for work. Once I’ve even done Brussels and back in a day. After all, it takes only two hours on the Eurostar to get from London to Brussels. Quicker than getting to some destinations in England. 

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Two hours in St Gallen – What to see and do

Two hours in St Gallen - Travel for a Living

Lately I have started travelling more frequently again. Not every week. But maybe once or twice a month. Which is actually quite a nice pace. For some of those travels, it means revisiting known places and catching up with old friends. Although I like revisiting old places, it is the chance of exploring new cities that really rocks my boat. Like during my latest work trip to Switzerland. Along with one night in Zurich (which I’ve visited several times), I’ve also stayed in St Gallen for the very first time. I was looking forward to it and was hoping to get enough time for a proper St Gallen sightseeing tour. I even did my homework beforehand and had it all mapped out. Everything there is to see in St Gallen, along with opening times, cost of tickets, you name it. After all, if two hours in St Gallen is all I have, I’d better make it count. Believe it or not, there is actually quite a bit to see in St Gallen, so it would be a shame to miss it.

Don’t get me wrong. I am not saying that two hours is sufficient time to see all of St Gallen. Far from it. I would have gladly spent more time exploring. But my time was limited, so I was determined to make the most of it. That is the downside of business travels. Yes, you might stay in new and unknown places. But that doesn’t mean you have time to be a tourist and go exploring. More often than not, my sightseeing is limited to the evening, once I’ve finished my work. And whilst this is less of a problem in summer, when it stays light until quite late, now that autumn is fast approaching, it gets dark earlier and earlier. And believe me, sightseeing in the pitch black is possible, but only half the fun. Trust me, I’ve tried. Belgrade was one of those that I’ve really only seen in the dark… but then again, still better than not seeing it at all.

Read more Two hours in St Gallen – What to see and do

2 Hours in Amsterdam – a free Sightseeing Tour

Two hours in Amsterdam - Travel for a Living

It had been a little quiet in terms of work travel recently. But in April, I finally had a business trip coming up. The first one this year. To the Netherlands. And since Amsterdam was the nearest airport, I decided to make the most of it with a brief sightseeing tour of Amsterdam. As with most work trips, time would be limited, but I had it all planned out. I would be landing in the afternoon and stay the night in Amsterdam. Sufficient time for a self-guided 2 hours in Amsterdam walking tour.

Read more 2 Hours in Amsterdam – a free Sightseeing Tour

Self-guided Tour of Harry Potter locations in London

It’s been 20 years since the first Harry Potter movie hit our screens. Can you believe it? But it seems the Harry Potter world has not lost its magic. Who doesn’t secretly dream of dining in the Great Hall, walking the endless moving corridors of Hogwarts or popping down to Hogsmeade for a butter beer and some sweets. Whilst large parts of the films were filmed in the studio, there are quite a few Harry Potter locations dotted around London. And you know the best? You could go and do a self-guided tour of the best Harry Potter locations in London… completely for free.

Read more Self-guided Tour of Harry Potter locations in London

Zurich in two hours – a brief Zurich walking tour

Exploring Zurich in two hours - Travel for a Living

I am slowly but gradually getting back to some more travelling for work. Not quite as frequently as back before the big C. But let’s be honest, I don’t think I need a repeat of 2019 any time soon. Which in hindsight was probably just a tad too much. But this isn’t really about looking back. Instead I was going to tell you about my most recent trip to Zurich. And how I managed to go exploring and see Zurich in two hours, despite a busy work schedule.

Read more Zurich in two hours – a brief Zurich walking tour

Emily in Paris Season 2 locations

Emily in Paris Season 2 has finally landed on Netflix yesterday. Have you seen it yet? Confession: We binge watched almost the entire season straight away in one go. And I immediately started noting down all the Emily in Paris season 2 locations I could identify. I mean, as you do, right? Obviously, there are some familiar sites, like Emily’s apartment and her workplace, but there are also a few new ones, that haven’t featured in season one. I won’t bore you with the familiar ones here, as I’ve covered them in length in my first Emily in Paris filming locations post.

Read more Emily in Paris Season 2 locations

Notting Hill Movie Locations Tour

I love a good rom com (so does Mr T occasionally, but he’ll never admit it, so don’t tell him I told you). You already know that one of our all-time favourite movies is ‘You’ve got Mail’. Last time we visited New York we took the opportunity to do our ‘You’ve got Mail movie locations tour’. Another favourite of ours is the 1999 movie ‘Notting Hill’ with Hugh Grant and Julia Roberts. As the title already suggests, it is set in London’s Notting Hill district. An area famous for Portobello Market, colourful houses, and Notting Hill carnival. And something that should not be missed on any London itinerary. So, next time you are heading to London, why not spend an hour or two on a self-guided Notting Hill movie locations tour.

Read more Notting Hill Movie Locations Tour

Emily in Paris filming locations

Emily in Paris filming locations - Travel for a Living

Have you seen the Netflix series ‘Emily in Paris’ yet? I came across series 1 recently and binged it… I even got Mr T hooked (whoops, did I say that out loud?). It might not be everyone’s cup of tea. And Emily’s American accent when trying to speak French even makes me cringe (and believe me, mine most certainly isn’t anything to be proud of when stumbling three words of French). But it provides some light-hearted entertainment that was just what I needed. And features so many Parisian corners, that helped calm my wanderlust (temporarily). Whilst at the same time making me miss Paris so much more. To tie me over until my next Paris trip (or until season two is released), I decided to put together a little Emily in Paris filming locations tour. For us all to check out, next time we make it to Paris in person.

Read more Emily in Paris filming locations

Best of Paris in two hours – a walking tour through Paris

I love Paris. And I would happily spend a weekend or two there at short notice (although unfortunately Mr T doesn’t quite share my love for Paris). However, most of my more recent visits were work related. Which obviously meant a lot less time for sightseeing. But you know what? That doesn’t mean you can’t see something of Paris before or after work.  For those of you in a similar position and with limited time, I’ve put together a little walking tour through Paris. To show you the best of Paris in two hours. Intrigued?

Read more Best of Paris in two hours – a walking tour through Paris