Category Archives: Travel Diary

Duchenne Dash from London to Paris

Duchenne Dash from London to Paris

It’s been three years since his last cycle tour, but Mr T is finally back on his bike. This time taking part in a charity cycle ride: The Duchenne Dash from London to Paris. Sounds fun? Well, there is a catch. This cycle ride isn’t ‘just’ a leisurely cycle tour. Oh no. The 300km from London to Paris would need to be completed within 24 hours.  

Full disclaimer: As with Mr T’s other cycle rides (like his trip from Cambridge to Norfolk), I am only here to tell the tale. I did not take part myself (you’ve probably guessed that already).

So how did it come about that Mr T signed up for the Duchenne Dash from London to Paris? Especially since he hadn’t done much cycling in the last two years. Keep on reading and you’ll find out. But first things first.

Read more Duchenne Dash from London to Paris

Where best to park in London?

Where to park in London - Travel for a Living

Faced with the question of where to park a car in London last summer, my initial reaction was ‘WHY?’

I mean, why would any sane person consider taking their car into London? Even though I am living just outside London, I will avoid driving into London at all costs. Instead, I will rely on public transport whenever I can. So why would anyone willingly drive over to the UK to then park in London?

Read more Where best to park in London?

What to see in Brussels in two hours

Heading to Brussels for the evening? Or have some time to kill before your Eurostar to London? If, for whichever reason, you’ll find yourself in Brussels with a couple of hours spare, how about a little self-guided Brussels in two hours sightseeing tour? After all, there is plenty to see and do in Brussels. And whilst you might not be able to see everything in such a short time, I’ve put together a little itinerary of what to see in Brussels in two hours. 

I’ve recently come back from a work trip to Belgium. Although my appointment wasn’t in Brussels directly, it was easiest for me to travel via Brussels. And for convenience, I’ve arrived the evening before. So that I wouldn’t have to get up at crazy o’clock to catch the first Eurostar out of London. But this wasn’t my first trip to Brussels. Over the years, I’ve been here a few times. Always for work. Once I’ve even done Brussels and back in a day. After all, it takes only two hours on the Eurostar to get from London to Brussels. Quicker than getting to some destinations in England. 

Read more What to see in Brussels in two hours

2 Hours in Geneva – a brief Sightseeing Tour

Geneva in two hours - a concise Geneva sightseeing tour - Travel for a Living

I have recently come back from another work trip to Geneva. And decided this was the perfect opportunity to finally share with you my little two hours in Geneva sightseeing tour. After all, there is plenty to see in and around Geneva. So, in case you are planning a trip to Switzerland and are thinking about including Geneva in your itinerary, keep reading. 

Read more 2 Hours in Geneva – a brief Sightseeing Tour

Mother-daughter weekend in Barcelona

First-time itinerary for a weekend in Barcelona - Travel for a Living

Early November it was time for our annual mother-daughter weekend again. After Paris two years ago and Copenhagen last year, this time it would be a weekend in Barcelona. Mum had never been, and I had only visited Barcelona once briefly for work but had not really seen much of the city. The fact that Barcelona still had some half decent weather in early November certainly didn’t hurt either. I mean who would say no to 20 degrees and sunshine when the weather at home is rainy and cold. Let me tell you what we’ve been up to during our weekend in Barcelona. We might not have seen all there is to see in Barcelona, but this first-time itinerary for Barcelona sure did the trick (for us).  

Without further ado, let’s get started.

Read more Mother-daughter weekend in Barcelona

15 Years Living in the UK

This week marks our fifteenth anniversary of moving to England for good. What better time to look back and reflect. Do we have any regrets? What were the challenges of moving abroad? What has changed living in the UK? Would we do things differently today? Would we consider packing up and moving again?

If you are familiar with Travel for a Living, you probably know this already. Although I was born and raised in Germany, I am both German and British. And I have always considered the UK (and London) my second home. From an early age I knew I wanted to move to London one day.

Read more 15 Years Living in the UK

2 Hours in Amsterdam – a free Sightseeing Tour

Two hours in Amsterdam - Travel for a Living

It had been a little quiet in terms of work travel recently. But in April, I finally had a business trip coming up. The first one this year. To the Netherlands. And since Amsterdam was the nearest airport, I decided to make the most of it with a brief sightseeing tour of Amsterdam. As with most work trips, time would be limited, but I had it all planned out. I would be landing in the afternoon and stay the night in Amsterdam. Sufficient time for a self-guided 2 hours in Amsterdam walking tour.

Read more 2 Hours in Amsterdam – a free Sightseeing Tour

3 Nights in North Wales

3 Nights in North Wales - Travel for a Living

I love a short getaway. So, this Easter weekend, we decided to go on a little break and have 3 nights in North Wales. I must admit, even though we’ve lived in England for 15 years now, we’ve only ever been to Wales once (same goes for Scotland). And that was literally just popping over the Prince of Wales bridge during a weekend in Bristol. We didn’t even make it to Newport or Cardiff that day. Not sure I can even count this as visiting Wales. About time to finally rectify that. 

Read more 3 Nights in North Wales

Two Nights in Copenhagen

Spending two nights in Copenhagen - Travel for a Living

At long last, I finally visited Copenhagen. I had been to the airport several times before, but always on my way to nearby Malmö. Never actually into town. But this year’s mother-daughter-weekend was two nights in Copenhagen. Since mum had never been there either… well actually, this was her first visit to Denmark. And what could be better than a Christmas weekend in Copenhagen? 

In recent years Copenhagen has become a rather popular destination. There are plenty of direct flights available to CPH. And it is less than two hours flight from London and other European capitals, perfect for a weekend trip. Let me tell you what you can see in two days in Copenhagen. 

Read more Two Nights in Copenhagen