Tag Archives: travel on a budget

Where best to park in London?

Where to park in London - Travel for a Living

Faced with the question of where to park a car in London last summer, my initial reaction was ‘WHY?’

I mean, why would any sane person consider taking their car into London? Even though I am living just outside London, I will avoid driving into London at all costs. Instead, I will rely on public transport whenever I can. So why would anyone willingly drive over to the UK to then park in London?

Read more Where best to park in London?

How much money for a trip to London?

How much money for a trip to London? - Travel for a Living

A question I get asked a lot is how much money you need for a trip to London. Unfortunately, there is no easy answer here. How much money you will need for a trip to London depends on many things. Are you travelling alone or in a group? Do you want to travel cheap or in style? Have an on the go sandwich or a sit down three course meal? Want to stay slap bang in the centre of town or fine to commute in every morning? Take cabs or the tube? All those points will heavily influence the budget you need for your London trip. However, I’ve tried to put together some pointers of how much money is needed for a trip to London. 

Read more How much money for a trip to London?

30+things in London for free (or little money)

London for free? Sounds too good to be true. Yes, London can be expensive. We all know that, and London is repeatedly right up there as one of the most expensive cities to live in. But that does not mean you shouldn’t visit. With a bit of careful planning, London can be enjoyed without blowing your holiday budget for years to come. How about I tell you about all the fun things to do in London for free? Or how to do London for little money? Yes, these things do exist. They might not include a trip to Madame Tussauds or a private tour of Buckingham Palace. But that doesn’t mean they are less special.

Let’s dive right in. After all, you are here to find out how to save money on your next London trip.

Read more 30+things in London for free (or little money)

Best of London in three hours – exploring London on Foot

How to see London in three hours - Self guided London on foot tour - Travel for a Living

Are you considering heading to London for a day? Or do you live around London, but never really explored the city? Whichever reason, if you find yourself with a couple of hours spare, how about seeing the highlights of London in three hours? And best of all, you can explore all that London has to offer on foot. No need to get up close and personal with others on public transport. Sounds good? Well, how about you join me for a self-guided ‘London in three hours’ walking tour.

Read more Best of London in three hours – exploring London on Foot

Visiting New York on a budget – 14 Things to do in New York for free or little money

Exploring New York for free - Travel for a Living

New York for free? Sounds too good to be true. I mean, we all know that city trips cost a fortune. And New York is no exception. What if I told you there are heaps of things to do in New York that cost little to no money? Perfect, if you are visiting New York on a budget. Or if you want to keep some spare change for that shopping spree

OK, without further ado, let’s dive straight into it. I’ll share with you 14 things that you can do in New York for free or for very little money. Yes, some might require a little planning. Surely that’s a little price to pay to get the most out of your trip when visiting New York on a budget. 

Read more Visiting New York on a budget – 14 Things to do in New York for free or little money

What you should know about the New York Destination Fee Scam

What you need to know about the New York Destination Fee - Travel for a Living

Have you ever come across the New York Destination fee? Or New York amenity fee? Or resort fee? No? Well, me neither. Until our recent NYC trip. Seems this kid has many names. And is common practice in quite a few US cities (Las Vegas being a really notorious one apparently). Until about two years ago, this wasn’t a big topic in New York. But things change. To save you the same nasty surprise we had checking in, let me tell all you need to know about the New York destination fee. What you get for it (or not), how much it is per night and if there is a way to avoid it.

Read more What you should know about the New York Destination Fee Scam

Easiest Way to get around Rome

Easiest way to get around Rome - Travel for a Living

Let’s just assume that most of you have the same habit as me when it comes to city trips. I tend to take the plane rather than car to get there, meaning I have to rely on public transport to get around town once arrived … but then I can think of very few major cities where I would consider driving around in a car a good idea (actually I might struggle to think of any?). Visiting Rome was no exception. If, like me, you need to know the easiest way to get around Rome, you have come to the right place.

Read more Easiest Way to get around Rome

Visiting Rome on a budget

Visiting Rome on a budget - Travel for a Living

As with so many major cities, visiting Rome can be a costly affair. Starting with accommodation… it is near impossible to find a decent hotel for less than £100 per night if you are looking for something nearish the town center. And in addition you will have to pay a city tax of 6 Euros per person per day for the duration of your stay (and this is not included in your hotel fee when booking). But don’t despair. There are ways to see it all, even if you are visiting Rome on a tight budget.

Read more Visiting Rome on a budget

Visiting London on a budget – even if you are broke

Visiting London on a budget - Travel for a Living

London is the greatest city in the world (well if you ask me, which is why I (and a couple of million other people) chose to live here. But London is also one of the most expensive cities in the world. And for many that is enough to scare them off. Money aside, London has so much to offer, it would be a shame to miss out on that … and not everything comes with a hefty price tag. So here are some handy tips on how to make the most of visiting London on a budget.

Read more Visiting London on a budget – even if you are broke