Tag Archives: cycling

Duchenne Dash from London to Paris

Duchenne Dash from London to Paris

It’s been three years since his last cycle tour, but Mr T is finally back on his bike. This time taking part in a charity cycle ride: The Duchenne Dash from London to Paris. Sounds fun? Well, there is a catch. This cycle ride isn’t ‘just’ a leisurely cycle tour. Oh no. The 300km from London to Paris would need to be completed within 24 hours.  

Full disclaimer: As with Mr T’s other cycle rides (like his trip from Cambridge to Norfolk), I am only here to tell the tale. I did not take part myself (you’ve probably guessed that already).

So how did it come about that Mr T signed up for the Duchenne Dash from London to Paris? Especially since he hadn’t done much cycling in the last two years. Keep on reading and you’ll find out. But first things first.

Read more Duchenne Dash from London to Paris

Cycling Avenue Verte in England

Back in 2019, Mr T embarked on his first ever cycle touring adventure. A three-day tour from Cambridge to Norfolk. And since he enjoyed it, he vowed this wouldn’t have been the last time he’d do a cycle tour.  Two years on and he finally got to do it all again. Not quite as long this time, instead he would cycle the Avenue Verte in one day. Or at least the English part of it, from London to the coast, not crossing over to France (as if that was an option at the moment… sadly not).

Read more Cycling Avenue Verte in England

Cycle Touring in the UK – 3 Days from Cambridge to Norfolk

Cycle Touring in the UK - Travel for a Living

Ever thought about cycle touring in the UK? No? Well me neither. I mean, I have started a tiny bit of cycling last year and have done a few rides with Mr T at home and on holiday (like our day trip from San Francisco to Sausalito for example). But sitting on my bike for days on end? I don’t think so.

Let me be straight with you here. Yes, it is me writing this post, but it wasn’t me actually doing the 3-day bike tour from Cambridge to Norfolk. It was Mr T putting in the effort. I am just here to tell you all about his first ever cycling tour.

So, if you are thinking of cycle touring in the UK, maybe this will help you a little.

Read more Cycle Touring in the UK – 3 Days from Cambridge to Norfolk

Day Trip from San Francisco to Sausalito

Day Trip from San Francisco to Sausalito - Travel for a Living

Am I boring you yet with my San Francisco posts? I hope not, I still have loads more to come (who would have thought we ‘only’ went for six days). Assuming you’ve read about our week in San Francisco already, you know that we ventured out one day. And did a day trip from San Francisco to Sausalito by bike.

When we planned our trip to San Francisco, I was all up for crossing the Golden Gate Bridge by bike (and to be honest, the prospect of doing a day trip from San Francisco to Sausalito by bike was what sold SF to Mr. T in the first place). But I wasn’t quite sure, just how far I would like to go by bike. I am not an experienced rider. Yes of course, as a kid I would ride my bike almost anywhere (growing up in a village with limited public transport makes that a necessity). But then I went through a 20-year ‘phase’ of not riding a bike at all and only started getting back on one last year. The longest ‘tour’ I had done this decade was around 10km. And that was pretty much all flat. So, doing a trip of 30+ km felt a little daunting.

But enough of the moaning, let’s get going with our day trip from San Francisco to Sausalito by bike.

Read more Day Trip from San Francisco to Sausalito