Tag Archives: Belgium

What to see in Brussels in two hours

Heading to Brussels for the evening? Or have some time to kill before your Eurostar to London? If, for whichever reason, you’ll find yourself in Brussels with a couple of hours spare, how about a little self-guided Brussels in two hours sightseeing tour? After all, there is plenty to see and do in Brussels. And whilst you might not be able to see everything in such a short time, I’ve put together a little itinerary of what to see in Brussels in two hours. 

I’ve recently come back from a work trip to Belgium. Although my appointment wasn’t in Brussels directly, it was easiest for me to travel via Brussels. And for convenience, I’ve arrived the evening before. So that I wouldn’t have to get up at crazy o’clock to catch the first Eurostar out of London. But this wasn’t my first trip to Brussels. Over the years, I’ve been here a few times. Always for work. Once I’ve even done Brussels and back in a day. After all, it takes only two hours on the Eurostar to get from London to Brussels. Quicker than getting to some destinations in England. 

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Day Trip to Antwerp, Belgium – City of Diamonds & Art Nouveau

What to see on a day trip to Antwerp - Travel for a Living

Have you ever been to Antwerp? I’ve been twice. The first time was with uni. Four days on the art and architecture in Antwerp. Many many moons ago. Second time was a work trip. Flying into Antwerp in the evening, quick stroll around, work and back home next day. But Mr T had never been. So, when we decided to spend a week in Zeeland, I knew that I also wanted to do a day trip to Antwerp. As it was quite close.

Read more Day Trip to Antwerp, Belgium – City of Diamonds & Art Nouveau