Tag Archives: airport

Airport Guide for Berlin – which airport to pick for Berlin

Which airport to pick for Berlin - Travel for a Living

To me Berlin is very marmite. You either love it or hate it. Not much in between. And what shall I say… I don’t love marmite…. Don’t get me wrong. I am not saying I hate Berlin. Not really. But it would not make it into my top five of cities (hey here’s an idea for a new blog post… stay tuned). Nor would it be my first (second or third) choice of places to live in Germany. But I am always up for the odd weekend or visit (unlike marmite… that I do loath at all times). So if you are planning a trip to Berlin, let me tell you which airport to pick for Berlin.

Read more Airport Guide for Berlin – which airport to pick for Berlin

Six flights in seven days – a new record

Doing more than one meeting a week isn’t new. The record here is seven in a week, if I remember rightly, however these were usually done as part of one big tour stretching several days. Going back and forth several times in one week – and actually travelling three countries within that one week – is a novelty… even for me. And not one I am eager to repeat anytime soon I hope.

Read more Six flights in seven days – a new record

How to speed things up at the airport

Whether you are a first time flyer or occasional flyer, read this guide to see how to speed things up at the airport - Travel for a Living

For some people arriving at the airport is the start of their holiday and they have all the time in the world. Lucky them. For others (like me) it might be the start (or end) of a busy work day. Which is why I like things to run smoothly and efficiently… and why I totally loath those people with absolutely no clue what to do. So don’t be that person. 

OK, I grant you, if you are 85 and flying for the very first time, this might all be a little confusing and you need some time to adjust… fair enough.

For everyone else, here is a handy list of how to speed things up at the airport.

Read more How to speed things up at the airport

How to stay hydrated whilst flying

Ok, let’s not make this sound more scientific than it really is. The trick to staying hydrated whilst flying, or in any situation really, is to drink water… lots of it and on a regular basis. But this is not what I mean.

Most of my flights are short haul, so I don’t have to worry too much about dehydrating really.

But even if my flights are rarely longer than one or two hours, I need some water in between, so I almost always end up buying a bottle at water at the airport… after security obviously, so that the 100ml fluid rule does not apply.

Read more How to stay hydrated whilst flying