How to speed things up at the airport

Whether you are a first time flyer or occasional flyer, read this guide to see how to speed things up at the airport - Travel for a Living

For some people arriving at the airport is the start of their holiday and they have all the time in the world. Lucky them. For others (like me) it might be the start (or end) of a busy work day. Which is why I like things to run smoothly and efficiently… and why I totally loath those people with absolutely no clue what to do. So don’t be that person. 

OK, I grant you, if you are 85 and flying for the very first time, this might all be a little confusing and you need some time to adjust… fair enough.

For everyone else, here is a handy list of how to speed things up at the airport.

Read more How to speed things up at the airport

How to stay hydrated whilst flying

Ok, let’s not make this sound more scientific than it really is. The trick to staying hydrated whilst flying, or in any situation really, is to drink water… lots of it and on a regular basis. But this is not what I mean.

Most of my flights are short haul, so I don’t have to worry too much about dehydrating really.

But even if my flights are rarely longer than one or two hours, I need some water in between, so I almost always end up buying a bottle at water at the airport… after security obviously, so that the 100ml fluid rule does not apply.

Read more How to stay hydrated whilst flying

Visiting London on a budget – even if you are broke

Visiting London on a budget - Travel for a Living

London is the greatest city in the world (well if you ask me, which is why I (and a couple of million other people) chose to live here. But London is also one of the most expensive cities in the world. And for many that is enough to scare them off. Money aside, London has so much to offer, it would be a shame to miss out on that … and not everything comes with a hefty price tag. So here are some handy tips on how to make the most of visiting London on a budget.

Read more Visiting London on a budget – even if you are broke

Stand on the Right – Rules for riding the London Tube

Visiting London? Read these essential rules for Riding the London Tube to be prepared - Travel for a Living

Almost five million people use the London tube network every day. If you’ve ever waited for a Central Line train on a Monday morning during rush hour, you’d be convinced every single one of those five million shared the very same platform with you that morning.

As long as us commuters stay amongst ourselves, it all works well. We move at a rushed pace, we know exactly where we want to go, where to stand on the platform to ensure the quickest exit when getting off. And we don’t need to consult a tube map, let alone ask someone for direction. But throw in some random tourists and this whole subterranean eco system falls apart.

If you are one of those nasty tourists, let me introduce some simple rules on how to survive your tube ride:

Read more Stand on the Right – Rules for riding the London Tube

Top 5 things to do in New York City

Top 5 Things to do in New York City - Travel for a Living

After London New York City is my second favourite city in the world (can you tell I’m a city girl at heart? Who would have guessed I grew up in the countryside)

First time we went to New York was for our honeymoon. A long trip with the intention to see it all and tick it off the bucket list once and for all. Little did I know this was just the start of an ongoing romance.

We’ve since been back twice and I can’t wait for the next time (Christmas shopping in New York would probably be next on my bucket list)

There is a lot to see and do in New York, so today I share my personal Top 5 things to do in New York City with you

Read more Top 5 things to do in New York City

The Glamour of Travelling for a Living

Jet setting around Europe, a different country every week, nice hotels, exploring new cities, living the dream … it all sounds so glamorous. But is it really?

Growing up, the idea of travelling all over the place for work sounded like a perfect life. And if I give a brief rundown of my past and upcoming travels to someone, it still sounds too good to be true. Three / four trips a month, sometimes a different country each week. Visiting countries that I have never been to before (and never even thought of visiting).

Read more The Glamour of Travelling for a Living

A night to remember – Visiting the Elbphilharmonie

Visit to the Elbphilharmonie in Hamburg - Travel for a Living

Ever so often you find yourself in the right place at the right time. Such as last January. We had a 2 day trip to the vicinity of Hamburg and decided to take the opportunity visiting the newly opened Elbphilharmonie, which after years of delay finally opened three weeks prior.

So we booked ourselves into a hotel near the harbour, at the top end of the Reeperbahn. Within walking distance so to say.

The original plan was to walk along the harbour to the Elbphilharmonie, have a look around, see if we could get tickets for the viewing gallery and go for dinner afterwards. But what are plans, if not to change?

Read more A night to remember – Visiting the Elbphilharmonie

Tourist in my own city

I love London… and I have called London my home for almost a decade now.

But lately I have not seen much of it… other than the office and the route to the station. So last weekend we decided to tackle this and become tourists in our own city again, just for the day.

Ever since I can remember I have been in love with London. It has always been part of my life and a place I felt at home… long before I actually moved here for good.

Read more Tourist in my own city

A girly weekend in Vienna

I have to admit it… not all my travel is work related. I do also travel for leisure… and absolutely love weekends away.

For a good two years I had regular trips to Austria (for work) and absolutely fell in love with Vienna. Before that I had only ever been to Vienna (and Austria for this matter) once, which was a good 15 years ago, maybe even longer.

But since my regular Austria trips have seized recently, every excuse will do to come back, as I fell heavily for Vienna.

So, when it came to choosing a location for a catch up with my friend, we very quickly opted for girly weekend in Vienna.

After all, what’s not to love about Vienna if you are a pair of coffee loving shopping addicts?

Read more A girly weekend in Vienna