Category Archives: Travel Tips & Advice

Stand on the Right – Rules for riding the London Tube

Visiting London? Read these essential rules for Riding the London Tube to be prepared - Travel for a Living

Almost five million people use the London tube network every day. If you’ve ever waited for a Central Line train on a Monday morning during rush hour, you’d be convinced every single one of those five million shared the very same platform with you that morning.

As long as us commuters stay amongst ourselves, it all works well. We move at a rushed pace, we know exactly where we want to go, where to stand on the platform to ensure the quickest exit when getting off. And we don’t need to consult a tube map, let alone ask someone for direction. But throw in some random tourists and this whole subterranean eco system falls apart.

If you are one of those nasty tourists, let me introduce some simple rules on how to survive your tube ride:

Read more Stand on the Right – Rules for riding the London Tube

Top 5 things to do in New York City

Top 5 Things to do in New York City - Travel for a Living

After London New York City is my second favourite city in the world (can you tell I’m a city girl at heart? Who would have guessed I grew up in the countryside)

First time we went to New York was for our honeymoon. A long trip with the intention to see it all and tick it off the bucket list once and for all. Little did I know this was just the start of an ongoing romance.

We’ve since been back twice and I can’t wait for the next time (Christmas shopping in New York would probably be next on my bucket list)

There is a lot to see and do in New York, so today I share my personal Top 5 things to do in New York City with you

Read more Top 5 things to do in New York City