Category Archives: Paris

I have always loved spending a weekend in Paris and have done so several times over the years. And whilst I happily associate Paris with romance and loved up weekends away, Mr T doesn’t quite share my romantic thoughts. But my latest work project gave me the perfect excuse to hop over to Paris every other week and to explore the City of Love in my own time. One trip at a time, early mornings or after work. Heading to Paris for the first time? Clueless which ticket you need for public transport or how to order your dinner? I’ve got you covered.

Ever wondered what’s it like inside a Eurostar Lounge?

Ever wondered what's it like inside a Eurostar Lounge? - Travel for a Living

Ever wondered what it is like inside the Eurostar Lounge at St. Pancras International? Or Gare du Nord for that matter? Well, as I mentioned recently, I have now reached Carte Blanche on Eurostar. Meaning I am finally eligible to enter the Eurostar Business Lounges at St. Pancras and Gare du Nord when travelling on the Eurostar between London and Paris. Not a stranger to airport lounges, I was quite curious to see what it was like inside a Eurostar Lounge. Are you as well? Well, let me tell you, what you can expect.

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What’s it like on the Eurostar from London to Paris?

Taking the Eurostar from London to Paris - Travel for a Living

Have you been on the Eurostar from London to Paris yet? Or maybe on the route from London to Brussels? No? Well you really should. It is good fun.

I do love a good train trip and over the years I have taken the Eurostar several times to Paris and Brussels, both for work and leisure.

So, if the thought of going below the Channel doesn’t freak you out completely, why not give it a try. After all, it is quick and very convenient. Intrigued? Well, let me tell you what to expect when taking the Eurostar from London to Paris. Or Brussels. Or vice versa.

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Paris before Tourists – early mornings in Paris

Early mornings in Paris - Travel for a Living

As I have recently started a new work project, I am now commuting between London and Paris on a weekly basis. Having weekly travels isn’t new to me, after all I’ve been on the road for the best part of six years. But having the same destination every week? That is kind of a novelty. With the added benefit of exploring Paris a little more every time I visit. Obviously, Paris is a very popular tourist destination. I mean who would say no to a romantic weekend for two in Paris? But let’s take off those rose-tinted spectacles. The reality of visiting Paris on business is a little different. First and foremost, I am in Paris to get some work done, not to stroll down Champs-Élysées and visit the Eiffel Tower. But that doesn’t mean I can’t make the most of my evenings and early mornings in Paris, does it?

Read more Paris before Tourists – early mornings in Paris

Stranded in Paris

When things go wrong and you get stranded in Paris ORLY - Travel for a Living

Spending an extra night in Paris? Sounds marvellous. Who wouldn’t be up for that? Spoiler alert – I wasn’t. When I tell you that the only time I actually saw the Eiffel Tower during my recent trip to Paris was when I finally took off from the airport, you might get an idea of why being stranded in Paris and spending an extra night there wasn’t too high on my agenda. You guessed it. We are not talking an extra night in the heart of Paris, we are talking being stranded in Paris Orly… the airport. Which clearly wasn’t my idea of a fun Friday night?

But I might be getting a little ahead of myself here. So let me start at the beginning…

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